Media & Values

CML's most recent work is contained in the CML MediaLit Kit, but all of CML's work has its roots in Media&Values magazine.  As Media&Values evolved over its 15-year history during the 70's, 80's and 90's, it documented many issues still important and relevant today, and grew from a potpourri of interesting tidbits to a publication with extensive editorial crafting as an educational resource.  Media&Values is a direct reflection of the early days of media literacy in the United States, and it provided a foundation for a national movement.

By issue #20, each edition had become thematic with inside articles expanding on the cover theme. Soon an editorial Starting Point provided context and by issue #33, a group of Reflection/Action columnists were introduced to offer perspective on the theme from different points of view (women, minorities, children, religion, etc.). Short Re:Action sidebars suggested ways for classes and groups to put "analysis into praxis," that is, words into action. With issue #45, a 2-sided, tear-out "Reflection Resource" was added to use as a discussion-starter with teens or adults. Each issue thus served as both a comprehensive "reader" on a specific media topic as well as a background resource for teachers and group facilitators.
In 2014, Michael RobbGrieco, Ph.D., wrote his dissertation called "Media for media literacy: Discourses of the media literacy education movement in 'Media&Values' magazine, 1977-1993."  RobbGrieco took a genealogical approach to historical inquiry, using discourse analysis to describe how Media&Values constructed media literacy as a means for reform, as a practice of understanding representation and reality, and as pedagogy of social analysis and inquiry.  These constructions position media literacy as interventions in power, articulating agency through addressing institutions, demystifying ideology, and negotiating identities.

For the thousands who subscribed, Media&Values was not just a magazine, it was a foundation for learning to question — and to teach others to question — the media culture emerging around us. As you explore the issues in this archive, keep this editorial frame in mind.