Health Issues

Public Health and Media Literacy

Public health has long been a topic addressed through media literacy - whether the issues are violence prevention, sexuality, smoking cessation or any other health concern. Interviews with Erica Rosenthal from Hollywood, Health and Society and Narges Dorratoltaj from Ctrl+S explore how public health and media literacy intersect. 


Institutionalizing Media Literacy Through Legislation

In this issue, we celebrate the passage of media literacy legislation in states around the country with special focus on California and Washington. We interviewed two individuals who played (are playing) pivotol roles in this effort -- Marilyn Cohen, a top media literacy researcher and advocate from Washington State; and Jennifer Howeter, from the California Department of Education.

Media Representation LGBTQ and Media Literacy

Representation is at the heart of media literacy. In this issue of Connections, we invite you to explore representation from two individuals’ perspectives, discussing non-binary and LGBTQ gender identities.  We interviewed Alexx Souter, advocate, and Rich Ferraro, Chief Communications Officer of GLAAD, a media advocacy organization for LGBTQ.  CML News includes an article by Tessa Jolls and Michele Johnsen, "Media Literacy: A Foundational Skill for Democracy in the 21st Century," published in the Hastings Law Journal.  

Gender Representation in Media

The representation of gender in media has long been a subject of fascination as well as critical analysis and change management for those advancing and practicing media literacy. In this issue of Connections, we highlight two organizations addressing these issues worldwide. Promundo, founded in Brazil in 1997, promotes gender equality and violence prevention by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls. The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) teams with more than 100 countries to keep accurate data on gender representation in the news. 

Trust Through Technology?

Should we place hope in technology for solving some of the problems technology helped create? Maybe. One approach worth looking at is BlockChain (distributed ledger technology) which might help to solve the riddle of where information originates, and how it morphs and proliferates.  CML interviewed Ian O’Byrne, internationally recognized educator and researcher, on the topic of BlockChain technology and its connections to media literacy. 

Sports and Media Literacy

This issue of Connections looks at how technology and new data are changing the narrative around sports and media, and how that changes our experience as consumers and participants.  Sports provide an excellent opportunity to not only learn people skills and health information, but they offer excellent arenas for math and science and algorithmic thinking – and of course, media literacy.  And this includes sports cars, too. We have an interview with Wil Cashen, Tesla Foundation. 

Anytime, Anywhere Learning

The boundaries of classrooms are beginning to soften; students’ prior knowledge is more likely to be acknowledged and honored; the need to prepare students for lifelong learning – and to meet them where they are – all are indicative of a movement towards the type of pedagogy that media literacy fosters and delivers. This issue includes interviews with education entrepreneurs from: School on Wheels, Los Angeles; Ace Preparatory Academy, Indiannapolis; Da Vinci Charter Schools, Southern California.

Children and Media Literacy

This issue of Connections features a recent Voices of Media Literacy interview with media literacy pioneer and pediatrician Victor C. Strasburger, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of New Mexico School of Medicine.  Dr. Strasburger has researched children and media for more than 30 years.  He shares his insights and hopes for the future. CML's Voices of Media Literacy project documents the history of media literacy through interviews with more than 20 pioneers in the field.  The MediaLit Moments activity is The Art and Craft of Magazine Covers
